doordash: delicious at your door
When clients ask for the moon, you build a paper mache version in less than 24 hours.
This spot required 8 different set builds, motion control, and an enormous amount of visual effects. Most of all, I’m proud we spurred a niche comment thread wondering why the actors walk so strangely (hint: it was shot in reverse).
Agency: M/H VCCP
Adam Ledbury, ACD/Art Director
Kelsey Wilkins, ACD/Copywriter
Production: Doomsday Entertainment
Directors: Greg&Lio
Producer: Jason Cole
Artistic Director: Lital Gurai
México Service Company: Mastodonte Films
Executive Producer: Corinna Martínez
1st AD: Óscar Almengor
Line Producer: Isaías Rivas
DoP: Emilio Valdés
Post: Lost Planet
Editor: Andrea MacArthur
VFX/Finish: Jane Studios
VFX Supervisor / Lead Flame Artist: Tim Bird